Atividade de Inglês de Ortografia para os Anos Finais

Atividade de Inglês de Ortografia para os Anos Finais

Apresentamos uma excelente Atividade de Inglês de Ortografia para os estudantes do 6°, 7°, 8° e 9° ano. A ortografia correta é essencial para a comunicação escrita eficaz e para o aprimoramento da competência linguística dos estudantes na língua inglesa. Venha conhcer, baixar e aplicar em sala de aula.

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1. Complete as lacunas com um dos verbos sugeridos.
a) The sun __________ brightly in the sky. (shines, shins)
b) She __________ her homework every evening. (does, dose)
c) He likes to __________  early in the morning. (wake, week)
d) The bird __________  over the trees. (flies, flys)
e) They __________  to the store yesterday. (went, want)
f) The baby __________  loudly. (cries, crys)
g) He __________  the book on the table. (puts, putts)
h) We __________  a movie last night. (saw, sew)
i) She __________  a letter to her friend. (wrote, rote)
j) The dog __________  the ball. (catches, catchs)
2. Analise as frases, identifique a palavra que se encontra incorreta e corrija a frase.
a) The chef prepared a delisious meal.
b) She wore a lovly dress to the party.
c) He gave me a beutiful flower
d) She is a very inteligent student.
e) They visited a museum during their tripe.
f) He needs to exersize more often.
3. Considerando os seguintes homófonos, escolha e escreva a palavra correta.
a) ________ going to the park

b) The wind _________ the leaves across the yard.

c) She put the __________ on the table

d) The _________ shone brightly in the sky.

4. Desembaralhe as letras e descubra as palavras.

5. Encontre e destaque 6 erros de escrita no texto e corrija no espaço fornecido.
Hai! Nice to miit you! My naime is John Smith. I am 19 and a student in college. I go to college in New York. My favorite courses are Geometry, French, and History. Inglish is my hardest course. My professors are very friendly and smart. It’s my second iear in college now. I louve it!
Editado por TSA

6. Complete a frase com a alternativa correta.
I like to eat _________.
a) aplles.
b) apples
c) applles.
d) epou
7. Preencha a sentença com a opção apropriada.
I have a _______ dog.
a) gig
b) bigg
c) beg
d) big
8. Leia o parágrafo e complete marcando a alternativa correta.
I live in a big house on Ivy Street. It’s near the college campus. I share the house with _________ other students.
a) three
b) thee
c) tree
d) there
9. Leia o parágrafo e selecione a opção correta para completá-lo.
Their names are Bill, Tony, and Paul. We help each other with ____________. On the weekend, we play football together.
Fonte: Lí
a) Rosework
b) Hormework
c) Homework
d) Homewok
10. Analise as alternativas e marque àquela que contém a grafia correta e completa o texto.
I have a younger __________. He just started high school. He is 14 and lives with my parents. They live on Mulberry Street in Boston. Sometimes they visit me in New York. I am happy when they visit. My Mom always brings me __________ and candy when they come. I really __________ them, too!
Fonte: Lí
a) brother / swets / miss
b) brother / sweets / miss
c) brothrs / swets / mizz
d) brothrs / sweets / mizes

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1. a) shines. b) does. c) wake. d) flies. e) went. f) cries. g) puts. h) saw. i) wrote. j) catches. / 2. a) Delicious. b) Lovely. c) Beautiful. d) Intelligent. e) Trip. f) Exercise. / 3. a)  They’re. b) Blew. c) Flower. d) Sun. / 4. Sunshine, Flower, Bumbers, Sports, English. / 5. Hi, meet, name, english, year, love. / 6B / 7D / 8A / 9C / 10B
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