Atividade de Inglês sobre o Past Continuous - Com gabarito

Atividade sobre o past continuous

O Past Continuous (Passado Contínuo) é um tempo verbal utilizado para indicar ações contínuas que ocorreram no passado. Para facilitar a compreensão desse tempo verbal em sala de aula, a nossa equipe preparou uma excelente atividade sobre Past Continuous para os alunos do 6°, 7°, 8° e 9° ano. Este material tem o objetivo de aprimorar o conhecimento dos estudantes sobre a utilização desse tempo verbal, proporcionando uma prática eficaz e dinâmica para o aprendizado da língua inglesa. Venha conhecer, baixar e aplicar em sala de aula.

Atividade sobre o past continuous

1. Traduza as seguintes expressões de tempo:

2. Considerando a ordem para a formação de frases no past continuous, organize as palavras e forme frases nesse tempo verbal.
a) While / Was / Cleaning / was / Cooking / He / She
b) Yesterday / Playing / Were / They
c) last / were / watching / We / night / a / movie
d) his / for / last year / he / studying / exams / was 
3. Complete as frases abaixo utilizando o tempo verbal Past Continuous.
a) She __________ (read) a book when the phone rang.
b) They ________ (play) soccer in the park all afternoon.
c) I ________ (study) for my exams when you called.
d) The kids ________ (watch) a movie while their parents ______ (cook) dinner.
e) It _______ (rain) heavily when I left the house.
4. Transforme as frases abaixo de modo que fiquem no Past Continuous.
a) He plays the guitar.
b) We walk to school.
c) The dog barks loudly.
d) She eats breakfast at 7 AM.
e) They swim in the pool.
5. Traduza as frases:
a) I was watching TV.
b) My friend was dancing.
c) I was not sleeping.
d) They were talking.
e) The students were not listening
Leia o texto e responda às questões 6 – 10.
It was Friday, and I decided to visit my grandparents at their country house. I was getting ready to go when I noticed what a beautiful day it was. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and some skirls were climbing the trees. I was sure it would be a great afternoon with my family, and I was not mistaken.
When I arrived at my grandparent’s house, grandma got very excited to see me and was already baking me some chocolate cookies. She was wearing a lovely apron, but it was covered with flour. I smiled at her and asked where grandpa was. She said he was looking for his fishing equipment in the garage. When I went there, he gave me a huge smile. I was so happy to see them!
Fonte: aprendafalaringles

6. Transcreva 4 frases do texto que estejam no “past continuous”.

7. Encontre a seguinte passagem no texto e transcreva abaixo: Eu estava me preparando para ir quando percebi que dia lindo estava.
8. Traduza a seguinte frase a partir do texto: 
Ela estava usando um lindo avental, mas estava coberto de farinha.
9. Qual é o cenário principal onde a história se passa?

10. Escreva com suas palavras um breve resumo sobre o que você entendeu sobre o texto.
Leia e responda às questões 11 e 12.

11. A partir do diálogo, transcreva o trecho que exemplifica a estrutura no past continuous.
12. Converta a frase do diálogo para a forma afirmativa.
Acesse outros conteúdos semelhantes.

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Por Jander Vagner
Tudo Sala de Aula

Atividade feita com carinho por Tudo Sala de Aula!😊

1. While – Enquanto; At that moment – Naquele momento; By this time – A essa hora; Yesterday – Ontem; Last night – Na noite passada; Last year – No ano passado; Last month – No mês passado. / 2. a) She was cooking while he was cleaning. b) They were playing yesterday. c) We were watching a movie last night. d) He was studying for his exams last year. / 3. a) was reading. b) were playing. c) was studying. d) were watching. e) was raining. / 4. a) He was playing the guitar. b) We were walking to school. c) The dog was barking loudly. d) She was eating breakfast at 7 AM. e) They were swimming in the pool. / 5. a) Eu estava assistindo TV. b) Meu amigo estava dançando. c) Eu não estava dormindo. d) Eles/Elas estavam conversando. e) Os estudantes não estavam ouvindo. / 6. Ex: I was getting ready to go / The sun was shining / She was wearing a lovely apron / he was looking for his fishing equipment in the garage. / 7. I was getting ready to go when I noticed what a beautiful day it was. / 8. She was wearing a lovely apron, but it was covered with flour. / 9. O cenário principal é a casa de campo dos avós de Chloe. / 10. Resposta pessoal. / 11. “I wasn’t texting while texting”. / 12. Yes, officer … I was texting while driving.