Atividade sobre Present Perfect para o 8º e 9º ano

Atividade sobre Present Perfect

Nesta publicação, preparamos uma excelente atividade de Língua Inglesa sobre o Present Perfect direcionada aos estudantes do 8º e 9º ano. Por meio desta atividade, os alunos não apenas vão memorizar as regras gramaticais, mas também entender a importância de utilizar o tempo verbal de forma precisa na comunicação oral e escrita.

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Atividade sobre Present Perfect

1. Complete as frases com o verbo auxiliar e o verbo sugerido das seguintes frases.
a) I _______________ Paris three times. (Visit)
b) She ______ already _______ her homework. (Finish)
c) They _______________ in this house for five years. (Live)
d) We ________ never ________ such a beautiful sunset. (See)
e) He _______ just _______ breakfast. (eat)
f) You _____________ a lot since the beginning of the course. (Learn)
2. Escreva frases no present perfect usando as palavras fornecidas:
a) I / never / eat / sushi
b) They / just / arrive / home
c) She / already / finish / her work
d) We / not / see / that show
3. Reescreva as frases no Present Perfect:
a) I went to the cinema last week.
b) She studied hard for the exam.
c) We didn’t see him yesterday.
4. A partir dos verbos dispostos na tabela, escreva seus particípios passados.

A partir do texto, responda às questões 5 – 7

I think I have had a very interesting life. I’m 73 now and I don’t work anymore. I was in the army for 51 years. I retired when I was 69. I have been to so many countries that I can’t remember all of them. I’ve been to Australia six or seven times and to South Africa three times. I have also been once to Russia but I didn’t like it at all: much too cold for me! […] 
5. Transcreva 3 frases que estejam no present perfect.
a) __________________________________
b) __________________________________
c) __________________________________
6. Traduza a frase:
I think I have had a very interesting life.
7. A partir da frase retirada do texto, converta para a forma negativa.
I’ve been to Australia
8. Marque V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) para as afirmações abaixo:
a) (   ) “I have never been to Japan” está no present perfect.
b) (  ) “She have gone to the market” está correto no present perfect.
c) (   ) “They has eaten all the cookies” está correto no present perfect.
d) (   ) “We have lived here since 2010” está no present perfect.
9. Qual frase está correta no present perfect?
a) I have eat breakfast today.
b) She has went to the store.
c) They have finished their homework.
d) He has see the movie.
10. Qual a forma correta para completar a frase?
She ______________ to her boss about the issue.
a) have spoken
b) has spoken
c) has speak
d) have speak
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Atividade feita com carinho por Tudo Sala de Aula!😊

1. a) have visited, b) has already finished, c) have lived, d) have never seen, e) has just eaten, f) have learned. / 2. a) I have never eaten sushi., b) They have just arrived home., c) She has already finished her work., d) We have not seen that show. / 3. a) I have gone to the cinema this week., b) She has studied hard for the exam., c) We have not seen him recently. / 4. BEEN – HAD – DONE – SEEN – TAKEN – KNOWN – GIVEN – DRUNK. / 5. Conferir na questão. / 6. Acho que tive uma vida muito interessante. / 7. I have not been to Australia. / 8. VFFV. / 9C / 10B
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