Atividade de Inglês sobre o Dia do Trabalho - Anos Finais

Atividade de Inglês Dia do Trabalho

Apresentamos uma excelente Atividade de Língua Inglesa sobre o Dia do Trabalho para os estudantes do 6°, 7°, 8° e 9° ano. Neste dia, é essencial os alunos conhecerem a importância desses profissionais em nossa sociedade enquanto aprimoram seu vocabulário no inglês. Conheça e aplique em sala de aula.

Você pode baixar esta atividade em PDF no final, pronta para impressão.

Read the text and answer the questions.

International Workers’ Day

Atividade de Inglês Dia do Trabalho

Labor Day has deep roots in the 130 years of the labor movement and its efforts to improve workers’ conditions across the globe. Some argue that it is just as relevant today to highlight the challenges workers still encounter.

Labor Day is often a day for parades, demonstrations, and sometimes riots in major cities around the world. Paroles can include women’s rights, immigrant working conditions, and the erosion of workers’ conditions. The demonstrations usually happen on May 1 and are often referred to as May Day Protests.


1. The purpose of this text is:
a) to inform.
b) to advertise.
c) to teach.
d) to criticize.

2. O Dia do Trabalho costuma ser um dia para:
a) efforts to improve workers’ conditions across the globe.
b) highlight the challenges workers still encounter.
c) negotiate with companies to pay employees better.
d) parades, demonstrations, and sometimes riots.
3. Os temas das manifestações podem incluir:
a) women’s rights, immigrant working conditions, and the erosion of workers’ conditions.
b) demonstrations, and sometimes riots in major cities around the world. 
c) dances and foods typical of indigenous peoples.
d) live concerts by local artists to support culture.
4. Um termo utilizado no texto é “Labor Day”. Esse termo significa:
a) protestos do Primeiro de Maio.
b) direitos de homens e mulheres. 
c) dia do Trabalho.
d) condições de trabalho.
5. As palavras a seguir são relacionadas ao trabalho. Assim sendo, leia com atenção e faça a correspondência das colunas.
(a) Work
(b) Job
(c) Employment
(d) Career
(e) Workplace
(f) Employer
(g) Salary
(h) Company
(i) Team
(j) Deadline
(    ) Salário
(    ) Emprego
(    ) Prazo
(    ) Empresa
(    ) Local de trabalho
(    ) Empregador
(    ) Trabalho
(    ) Equipe
(    ) Carreira
(    ) Emprego

6. Complete as frases com as palavras do quadro.

a) She is a _______ at the local elementary school. 
b) My father works as a  _________  in a hospital.
c) He works as a  _________  and saves lives every day. 
d) He is a  _______  and flies commercial airplanes for a major airline.
7. Leia o parágrafo e responda:
A ______ is responsible for safely operating a vehicle to transport passengers or goods from one location to another. Their duties include obeying traffic laws and regulations, maintaining the vehicle in good condition, ensuring the safety of passengers or cargo, and adhering to schedules or delivery deadlines.
A palavra que completa a descrição é:
a) doctor.
b) driver.
c) lawyer.
d) nurse.
8. Leia as responsabilidades de cada profissão e corresponda escrevendo em inglês a profissão.
Police Officer – Nurse – Lawyer – Engineer

9. Leia o texto e responda:
A waiter works in a restaurant, serving food and drinks to customers. They take orders, deliver meals, and ensure that guests have an enjoyable dining experience. A lawyer, on the other hand, provides legal advice and representation to clients. They help people understand their rights, navigate legal issues, and advocate for them in court if necessary. Both professions require good communication skills and a commitment to serving others, but they serve their customers in very different ways.
Quais são as profissões mencionadas acima? Escreva no espaço fornecido.
10. Escreva uma carta imaginária para um trabalhador, agradecendo-lhe pelo seu trabalho e descrevendo por que a sua função é importante.

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1A / 2D / 3A / 4C / 5. (G)(B)(J)(H)(E)(F)(A)(I)(D)(C). / 6. a) Teacher. b) Doctor. c) Firefighter. d) Pilot. / 7B / 8. Engineer, lawyer, nurse e police officer. / 9. Garçom e advogado. / 10. Resposta pessoal.