Atividade de Inglês sobre There is There are - Com gabarito

Atividade de Língua Inglesa sobre o uso do There is e There para o 6º ano, 7º ano, 8º ano e 9º ano com gabarito.

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1. Observe a imagem abaixo e complete as frases com “There is” ou “There are”.

Fonte: Adobe Stock
a) ______________ two windows in the bedroom.
b) ______________ one bed in the room.
c) ______________ some books in the bedroom.
d) ______________ two rugs in the room
e) _____________ a closet/wardrobe in the room.
f) ______________ a painting in the room.
g) ______________ a chair in the bedroom.
h) ______________ two pillows on the bed.
2. Sobre o uso de “There is/are”, aplique-os de acordo com as imagens.

3. A tirinha a seguir faz uso da expressão “There’s”. Reescreva as frases do 1° e 5° quadrinhos, colocando-as para a forma interrogativa.

4. Na canção “Imagine” de John Lennon há a seguinte passagem: “Imagine there’s no heaven”. Sabendo que nessa frase há uma contração, assinale a opção abaixo com a forma mais formal dessa expressão.
a) There are
b) There are not
c) There is
d) There is not
5. Observe o trecho a seguir.
“There is a small town in the mountains with only a few houses and shops, but it’s very pretty. You can see lots of trees, hills and a river running through it.”
No trecho acima, há a passagem “There is a small town in the mountains with only a few houses and shops”. Marque a alternativa onde esta frase encontra-se na forma negativa.
a) There are not a small town in the mountains with only a few houses and shops.
b) There is not a small town in the mountains with only a few houses and shops.
c) There are a small town in the mountains with only a few houses and shops.
d) There is a small town in the mountains with only a few houses and shops.
6. Sabendo que There is/are são estruturas que possuem o mesmo significado, porém, aplicadas em situações diferentes (There is – singular / There are – plural), qual frase abaixo está correta gramaticalmente?
a) There is many people in the room.
b) There is a books on the shelf.
c) There are a person and two dogs in the room.
d) There are many people in the room.
7. Leia o texto abaixo.
O Parque
Em uma cidade movimentada, (1) há um pequeno parque que muitas pessoas visitam. (2) Existem bancos onde as pessoas podem sentar e relaxar, e também (3) existem caminhos onde as pessoas podem passear sem pressa. (4) Há muitas crianças que gostam de ir a esse parque pois (5) há meninas pulando corda, (6) há meninos brincando de pega-pega e (7) há também pessoas que vão para fazer atividades físicas.
Traduza para o inglês todas as palavras destacadas no texto.
1. _________________
2. _________________
3. _________________
4. _________________
5. _________________
6. _________________
7. _________________
Sobre o texto “The small town”, responda às questões 8 e 9.
There is a small town in the countryside where the streets are quiet and people live their lives peacefully. There are many old and beautiful houses, with flower gardens and fruit trees, which give a special charm to the place.
8. O pequeno texto faz uso das expressões There is/are. Sobre as frases com essas estruturas, reescreva e ponha-as na forma negativa. 
1. _______________________
2. _______________________

9. Sobre as estruturas utilizadas no pequeno texto “The Small Town”, reescreva as frases e converta-as para a forma interrogativa. 
1. _______________________
2. _______________________
10. Escreva frases em inglês utilizando There is ou There are a partir das palavras sugeridas.
Ex: “Tree” e “Bird”
There is a bird on the tree.


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1. a. There are; b. There is; c. There are; d. There are; e. There is; f. There is; g. There is; h. There are. / 2. a. There are; b. There is; c. There are; d. There is. / 3. Quadro 1: Is there a huge; Quadro 5: unknown world out there?. / 4C / 5B / 6D / 7. 1. There is; 2. There are; 3. There are; 4. There are; 5. There are; 6. There are; 7. There are. / 8. (Possível resposta: 1. There isn’t a small town in the countryside where the streets are quiet and people live their lives peacefully; There is not a small town in the countryside where the streets are quiet and people live their lives peacefully; There is no small town in the countryside where the streets are quiet and people live their lives peacefully. 2. There aren’t many old and beautiful houses; There are not many old and beautiful houses.). / 9. 1. Is there a small town in the countryside where the streets are quiet and people live their lives peacefully?; 2. Are there many old and beautiful houses?. / 10. (Possível resposta: There are dogs in the street; There is a book on the table; There is a pen in the school bag; There are teachers at the school.).

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