Atividade de Inglês - Texto Informativo - 6º, 7º e 8º ano - Com gabarito

Atividade de inglês para o 6º ano, 7ºano ou 9º ano com interpretação de texto.

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Planejamento para o Professor:

Objeto de conhecimento: Interpretação de Texto Informativo. Habilidade da BNCC: (EF06LI09) Localizar informações específicas em texto. Objetivo da aula: Identificar o tema e os assuntos de um texto informativo em inglês, utilizando estratégias de leitura como skimming, scanning e inferência.

Read the text below and answer questions 1 – 10:


       Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur. He is a co-founder of Facebook, and currently operates as its chairman and chief executive officer. His net worth is estimated to be $71.5 billion as of September 2017, and he is ranked by Forbes as the fifth richest person in the world.
      Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard University dormitory room on February 4, 2004. He was assisted by his college roommates and fellow Harvard students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The group then introduced Facebook to other college campuses. Facebook expanded rapidly, reaching one billion users by 2012. Meanwhile, Zuckerberg was involved in various legal disputes brought by others in the group, who claimed a share of the company based upon their involvement during the development phase of Facebook.

Fonte do texto:

1. The text is intended to:
a) announce.
b) inform.
c) entertain.
d) criticize.

2. According to the text, Mark Zuckerberg is:
a) Owner of all social networks.
b) An important Internet journalist.
c) Digital programmer and entrepreneur.
d) Founder of Twitter and Facebook.

3. Qual palavra abaixo retirada do texto dá ideia de tempo?
a) “currently”
b) “and”
c) “other”
d) “involvement”

4. Which university classmates helped Mark Zuckerberg launch Facebook?

5. What year was Facebook launched?
a) Two hundred four
b) Two thousand four.
c) Two thousand twelve.
d) Two thousand twenty-one.

6. Segundo o texto, em 2017, qual posição Mark Zuckerberg ocupava entre os mais ricos do mundo? 
a) Terceira posição.
b) Quarta posição.
c) Quinta posição.
d) Sexta posição.

7. De acordo com texto, de qual lugar da universidade Mark Zuckerberg difundiu o Facebook?
a) Do auditório.
b) Do laboratório de informática.
c) Da sala de recepção. 
d) Do quarto. 

8. About the text, mark the FALSE alternative:
a) Facebook grew very fast all over the world.
b) People claimed participation on Facebook.
c) Zuckerberg only acted on Facebook’s exposure. 
d) Facebook was developed inside a university.

9. Qual o tempo verbal (presente, passado ou futuro) da oração “… Zuckerberg was involved…”? 

10. What does the pronoun marked in the passage refer to: “… who claimed…”?
a) His college roommates.
b) Others in the group.
c) Fellow Harvard students.
d) Various legal disputes.

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1B / 2C / 3A / 4. Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes. / 5B / 6C / 7D / 8C / 9. Passado. / 10B

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