Atividade / Prova de Inglês - Interpretação de Texto Informativo - Anos Finais - Com gabarito

Atividade de inglês sobre o gênero texto informativo. 

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Planejamento para o Professor: 

Objeto de conhecimento: Interpretação de Texto Informativo. Habilidade da BNCC: (EF06LI09) Localizar informações específicas em texto. Objetivo da aula: Identificar o tema e os assuntos de um texto informativo em inglês, utilizando estratégias de leitura como skimming, scanning e inferência.

Read the text and answer questions 1 – 10:


Hotmart is a complete platform for those who want to create and sell digital products such as e-books, online courses, videos, subscriptions, among others. It is widely used by content producers and affiliates. It is a company with a worldwide presence and promotes entrepreneurship and distance education. Hotmart allows anyone who wants to work with digital products. Best of all, many people are well paid working in this digital market.

Texto: Tudo Sala de Aula

1. The purpose of the text is:
a) describe a product.
b) advertise a product.
c) tell a story.
d) convince the reader.

2. Hotmart is a platform:
a) physics.
b) natural.
c) digital.
d) school.

3. According to the text, Hotmart’s goal is to offer an environment so that people can:
a) produce and sell products.
b) advertise store products.
c) find a relationship.
d) attend a university.

4. Who more uses the Hotmart platform?
a) Store entrepreneurs.
b) Content producers.
c) Affiliate companies.
d) Teachers and students.

5. No trecho: “It is widely used…”, o termo grifado faz uma retomada da palavra:
a) “online courses”
b) “digital products”
c) “Hotmart”
d) “others”

6. No trecho: “… for those who want to create…”, as palavras grifadas são, respectivamente:
a) verbo e pronome.
b) pronome e substantivo.
c) verbo e substantivo.
d) pronome e verbo.

7. Segundo o texto, a Hotmart
a) oferece assinaturas de televisão.
b) está presente apenas na América Latina.
c) é um canal virtual de relacionamento.
d) oferece cursos de aprendizagem.

8. According to the text, choose the FALSE alternative:
a) Hotmart offers work alternatives.
b) The Hotmart platform is present worldwide.
c) At Hotmart, people study and only offer free courses.
d) Hotmart is a good opportunity for entrepreneurship.

9. No trecho: “… many people are well paid working…”, a palavra grifada indica ideia de:
a) tempo.
b) intensidade.
c) lugar.
d) dúvida.

10. The genre of the text is:
a) Advertising.
b) Government campaign.
c) Informative text.
d) Opinion article.

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